Friday, July 11, 2008

Inglese legale one to one

Domani, 12 luglio Laura e Giorgia dalla facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Foggia partiranno per Londra per realizzare un corso di inglese generale presso la Wimbledon School abbinato a un corso two to one focalizzato sull'inglese legale.

Per Laura e Giorgia siamo riusciti a concordare con la scuola un programma personalizzato che in qualche modo contribuisse allo studio del loro esame interno previsto dal loro corso di studi.

Il programma verterà sul tema del "Plain English" nel contesto dell'inglese legale.
The study material will be:

1 _ A booket published by the Scottish Parliament on plain English and
available on line at

  • Chapter 1 - what is plain language? - explains what plain language is and gives some historical context to its association with the law.
  • Chapter 2 - drafting legislation in plain language - makes some objective observations about the interaction between the desire to use plain language and the constraints placed on the legislative drafter.
  • Chapter 3 - international comparisons - describes steps which legislative drafters in other countries have taken to enhance the clarity and accessibility of legislation.
  • Chapter 4 - plain language techniques - gives some examples of techniques currently associated with plain language drafting.

2 _ "Progetto Chiaro and the Plain Language Movement" by Prof.
Christopher Williams (their teacher) and published on the online
association "Clarity" available at>

Students should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of what this movement of plain English is and what reasons lay behind this strong need for simplification. The above material should be discussed in full with some practical examples from "bad English to good English".

Aspetteremo di leggere i commenti di Laura e Giorgia al loro rientro.


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